At least once in their life, everyone has thought of becoming an Airline Pilot.
There are those who develop a passion for aviation when they are already adults and those who, instead, have been cultivating this dream since they were young. And in this last case there may be ways to follow (since the choice of high school) to approach this world and get there a little more prepared.
What are the best High Schools to attend for those who aspire to carry out future pilot courses?
Surely, as you can imagine, aeronautical institutes (scientific or technical) can be a strategic choice, given the subjects that are offered in pilot courses. In fact, those who decide to attend an aeronautical high school will be able to boast of having already studied subjects such as MERTEOLOGY, NAVIGATION, AIR CIRCULATION and having already studied subjects such as PHYSICS and MATHEMATICS. Two fundamental subjects that facilitate the understanding of topics such as GENERAL NAVIGATION, a subject of the course for pilots, where it is necessary to have a good basis in trigonometry and excellent knowledge of the main physics formulas to deal with calculations to determine distances and much more.
Given the importance of physics and mathematics to facilitate the various understandings of the calculations/problems, we can identify another advantageous school address for those who have the desire, after graduation, to start courses to become airline pilots: the scientific institute.
In the latter address, even if you will not find specific aeronautical subjects, more weekly hours will be dedicated to subjects such as mathematics and physics which, as we have said, are fundamental for the correct understanding of some aeronautical subjects.
And what about the technical institutes? There are so many of categories to choose from. Among the closest to the world of aviation or aircrafts, we recall the technical institute with a focus on Transport and Logistics, the technical institute with a focus on Electronics and Electrical Engineering or the technical institute with a focus on Mechanics, Mechatronics and Energy.
Perhaps, reading these addresses, you will wonder what they have to do with an Airline Pilot, but in reality, on the way to becoming one, you will also study what remains "in the shadows" of every single flight. Learning the basics of an aircraft's electrical, mechanical, and hydraulic systems, as well as engine and instrumentation, are all part of the program.
Can I be a pilot if I have a diploma from an artistic institute or a classical high school behind me?
Obviously, the high schools addresses we have mentioned are those that allow you to get closer to the study subjects of the path to become a pilot, but in reality the legislation does not provide the choice of a specific study path.
In fact, it will be sufficient to be in possession of a high school diploma from any address.
This is also because, regardless of the high school that the aspiring pilot has completed or carries out, the ATO CANTOR AIR will start from the basics of the various concepts, to allow all cadets to fully understand the various subjects of the course.
What to review to get ready for the courses to become a pilot?
The advice that our school gives before starting the course is to do a little review of trigonometry and the main formulas of physics regardless of the schools attended.
In short, whether for beginners who have never studied these topics, or for those who just want to brush up, on the web there are several summaries that Aspiring pilots can consult to review the basic concepts, so that the beginning of the path to become pilot may be easier.
So, I can be a pilot with a diploma obtained from any field?
We would like to emphasize that the type of high school, if already completed, does not represent a limit.
In the history of our school, we have seen boys and girls become airline pilots who had started with completely different paths (e.g. classical, artistic, socio-pedagogical, accounting high school... etc).
The important thing is to enroll in a competent flight school, such as CANTOR AIR, which carries out courses held by professionals and complete lessons so that all students are aligned with the same knowledge right away. And where there should be gaps, Cantor Air Instructors will be the first to assist students, to facilitate their understanding and explain the various concepts.
In short, whatever your study path is or has been, your research must be directed towards a flight school of excellence; word that Cantor Air intends to realize and renew every day through its courses, thanks to the total preparation that covers the student at 360 degrees, through specific teachings, shaped on the different characteristics of each one and thanks also to the full availability of the TEAM Instructors who study their students to accompany them in the air as well as on the ground.
Find out how to take off with the next course. Find here all the steps and our most popular program to become an airline pilot
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