Flight Instructor, the course that allows you to become a theoretical and practical flight instructor.
- Theory: 125 hrs
- Practice: 30 hrs
- Duration: 3-6 months

The FI (FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR) Rating allows the achievement of the Flight Instructor qualification. The candidate is trained to attain the highest degree of "Proficiency" necessary to instruct, in full safety and competence as a "Flying Instructor" at a certified flight school (ATO or DTO) in the appropriate courses (e.g., PPL).Pre-Requisites for Admission:
- Be at least 18 years of age;
- Be a holder of Commercial License (CPL(A)) or have at least 200 total flight hours of which 150 hours as PIC if holding PPL(A) License, with valid SEP;
- Be in possession of First-class mental and physical fitness certificate issued by a medical specialist in aviation medicine (AME);
- Have passed the CPL(A) theoretical knowledge examinations as prescribed by the PART-FCLs;
- Be in possession of at least 30 hours of flight time in SEP-class aircraft, of which at least 5 hours have been completed in the last 6 months;
- Have received 10 hours of basic IFR (instrument flight) instruction, of which no more than 5 hours conducted on FNPT or approved Simulator;
- Have performed at least 20 hours of "Cross Country" as PIC (pilot-in-command), including navigation of at least 540 Km (300 NM), during which a minimum of 2 landings must have been performed at 2 different airports from the departure airport.
PLEASE NOTE: Prior to the course, the candidate must undergo a "Pre-Entry" Flight check with a qualified Cantor Air instructor to ascertain the candidate's fitness.
Course Schedule:
Total hours of theoretical instruction: 125:00
Total hours of practical instruction (excluding examination): 30:00
Theoretical part includes the hours mentioned above, in continuous mode that the ATO offers in presence, for the conduct of 125 hours of theoretical instruction distributed in the various teaching subjects. The course provides the knowledge and teaching methods to be able to deal calmly with briefings and de briefings, theoretical lessons that take care of all aspects of flight psychology and didactics, elements that an instructor will have to use during a PPL course.
PLEASE NOTE: It is also possible, should the candidate request it, to take the lessons via e-learning with an online system that will make all the theoretical knowledge shared in class available at home as well. The theoretical hours of the course will allow:
- review and refresh the theoretical knowledge of the instructor candidate;
- teach teaching methodology on theoretical and flight subjects;
- train the candidate, in the duties of instructor, allowing the achievement of high standards;
- teach the instructor candidate, the basic and advanced principles to be applied in a PPL(A) course.
For a total of 125 hours of training
Flight Program:
The flight program includes no less than 30 hours of training, conducted on the various aircraft in the ATO's fleet (C152, C182, PA28R, CAP10, FNPTII type ALSIM ALX aircraft)
Scheduled exams:
A practical examination with ENAC EXAMINER after successful completion of flight hours.
Course Duration:
The course, which will be continuously scheduled, is planned for a duration of about 3-6 months, but can be extended upon request of the interested person.
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